[Lazarus] WinCE task bar

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Fri Jul 6 13:59:28 CEST 2012

Hi ALl.

Do you know any method to completely hide the top taskbar on a WinCE 5 
handheld device ?
The following snippet works

but it only disables the topmost taskkbar so the true clickable taskbar 
cannot be dropped down
BTW, at the bottom of the screen theare are two more buttons: the 
Windows button on the bootom left and the OK (sometimes a cross) button 
on the bottom right. Is it any way to hide or disable them ?

     FTaskHandle : THandle;

   FTaskHandle := FindWindow('HHTaskBar', nil);
   ShowWindow(FTaskHandle, SW_HIDE);
   WindowState := wsMaximized



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