[Lazarus] StrToDateTime question

Salvatore Coppola coppolastudio at gmail.com
Mon May 28 19:01:26 CEST 2012

2012/5/27 Doug Edmunds <dougedmunds at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> How do I convert a string in the format
> yyyy-mm-dd to a DateTime variable?
> StrToDateTime('2012-05-26', ????); // what goes there?//

Lazarus/FPC help (F1) give:



Record with all the strings that determine formatting


Source position: sysinth.inc line 33

type TFormatSettings = record

  CurrencyFormat: Byte;

Currency format string

  NegCurrFormat: Byte;

Negative currency format string

  ThousandSeparator: Char;

Thousands separator character

  DecimalSeparator: Char;

Decimal separator character

  CurrencyDecimals: Byte;

Currency decimals

  DateSeparator: Char;

Date separator character

  TimeSeparator: Char;

Time separator character

  ListSeparator: Char;

List separator character

  CurrencyString: String;

Currency string

  ShortDateFormat: String;

Short date format string

  LongDateFormat: String;

Long Date Format string

  TimeAMString: String;

AM time indicator string

  TimePMString: String;

PM time indicator string

  ShortTimeFormat: String;

Short time format string

  LongTimeFormat: String;

Long time format string

  ShortMonthNames: TMonthNameArray;

Array with short month names

  LongMonthNames: TMonthNameArray;

Array with long month names

  ShortDayNames: TWeekNameArray;

Array with short day names

  LongDayNames: TWeekNameArray;

Long day names

  TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Word;

Value for 2 digit year century window


> -dae
> --
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