[Lazarus] Svn RSS feed (alternative to cia.vc)

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri Oct 5 02:44:31 CEST 2012

On 2012-10-05 00:16, luiz americo pereira camara wrote:
> My findings about the recommended feeds:

Good comparison. Now you need to ask yourself as well, what is the most
important information from commit logs. RSS feeds should tell you...
"hey, this is the changes that has occurred". In such a case, is the
revision number really import. The number doesn't actually tell you
anything about what has happening in the project.

My prioritized list of information I find important in a repository RSS
feed is as follows:

  1) The title of the commit. A summary line of what that patch does.
     This allows me to quickly see what I find interesting.
  2) More detailed commit message - though SVN users tend to love
     single line commit logs. Just my general observation.
  3) The files that were modified.
  4) How easily I can view the actual patch / diff.
  5) The actual revision or sha1 of that commit, it case I
     wanted to report an issue or something.

With this order of what is important, I find that the GitHub RSS output
hit the nail on the head. Not to mention the other extra features GitHub
adds, like allowing you add notes to lines of code. You can then send
tell others to view that patch on GitHub, and they will see your notes -
great for pointing out bugs or possible improvements to patches.

>  1)....
>  - Redundant info in content. Repeats title (Revision XXX), "Log:" not
> necessary


> 2) GitHub https://github.com/graemeg/lazarus/commits/master.atom
> Bad
>  - Unfamiliar (to me) file listing and revision compare page

Uh? It displays the standard de-faco patch format - just color coded. A
minus-line for what was old, and a plus-line for what is new. 'svn diff'
and 'git diff' generates such a patch format by default.


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