[Lazarus] mod to make Anchor Docking Grab Handles have a more subtle look

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sun Sep 16 20:11:44 CEST 2012


I've created a patch to make the Docking Grab Handles (of Anchor Docking 
package) to have a more subtle look. The original look was too 
distracting for my personal taste. I like it to blend in better with the 
main form.

Before image:

After image:

Mantis report with patch:

I tried to keep theming in mind. I made the background of the handles 
clForm. This could probably be tweaked to a difference color, if you 
want the handles to stand out more.

As I mentioned in the Mantis report. If this is not the look that the 
Lazarus team is going for, then please disregard my patch.

   - Graeme -

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