[Lazarus] Switching projects causes Access Violation

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Tue Sep 25 15:23:22 CEST 2012


I'm using Lazarus 1.1 LCL-GTK2 64-bit under Linux.

     Lazarus 1.1 r38729 FPC 2.6.0 x86_64-linux-gtk 2

Every now and again, if I switch between projects, then Lazarus IDE 
throws and Access Violation with the dialog warning about data loss and 
the usual OK or Cancel button.

I ran Lazarus from the command line and used the IDE until I got that 
error again - it didn't take long. Only recently did I start using the 
Anchor Docking add-on, but I can't remember if this issue occurred 
before I used Anchor Docking. I'll disable it now and keep using Lazarus 
IDE and see if the same error appears.

TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=tiOPFfpGUI
TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=zcore
TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=tiOPF
TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=tponguard
TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=laz_synapse
TLazPackageGraph.CloseUnneededPackages Pkg=fpgui_toolkit
AControl=PackageEditor_fptest:TPackageEditorForm NeedPlacing=True 
TIDEAnchorDockMaster.ShowForm placing 
PackageEditor_fptest:TPackageEditorForm ...
TIDEAnchorDockMaster.ShowForm creator for 
PackageEditor_fptest:TPackageEditorForm found: Left=250 Top=200 Right= 
Bottom= DockSiblingName= DockAlign=alNone l=250,t=200,r=714,b=655
TIDEAnchorDockMaster.ShowForm MakeVisible 
PackageEditor_fptest:TPackageEditorForm l=0,t=0,r=464,b=455 Floating=True
TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner has no fpdoc 
paths: /home/graemeg/devel/fptest/src/TextTestRunner.pas
TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: file without owner: 
TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner has no fpdoc 
paths: /home/graemeg/devel/fptest/src/timemanager.pas
TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: file without owner: 
TCodeHelpManager.GetFPDocFilenameForSource Hint: Owner has no fpdoc 
paths: /home/graemeg/devel/fptest/src/XMLListener.pas
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
   Stack trace:
   $0000000000B58EED line 912 of projectinspector.pas
   $0000000000B58C59 line 874 of projectinspector.pas
   $0000000000B58668 line 769 of projectinspector.pas
   $00000000006B8C76 line 694 of include/application.inc
   $00000000006B7C0E line 407 of include/application.inc
   $00000000006BAFC8 line 1281 of include/application.inc
   $00000000006BB479 line 1413 of include/application.inc
   $0000000000729526 line 60 of include/interfacebase.inc
   $00000000006BB422 line 1401 of include/application.inc
   $0000000000660D6E line 115 of lazarus.pp


I don't know where the issue is... IDE, Anchor Docking, Project 
Inspector window etc. But just it case, my anchor docking layout is as 

|                                                    |
|            main IDE form                           |
|           |                                        |
|           |                                        |
|           |                                        |
|  Project  |                                        |
| Inspector |                                        |
|  window   |      Editor window                     |
|           |                                        |
|           |                                        |
|           |                                        |
|           +----------------------------------------+
|           |                                        |
|           |      Message window                    |
|           |                                        |

   - Graeme -

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