[Lazarus] SSH

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Aug 5 10:05:32 CEST 2013

On 08/02/2013 07:10 PM, Richard Mace wrote:
> On 2 August 2013 09:12, Michael Schnell <mschnell at lumino.de 
> <mailto:mschnell at lumino.de>>wrote:
>     On 08/01/2013 05:20 PM, Richard Mace wrote:
>         ... as many of my users will have never even seen a Linux
>         command line before :)
>     What exactly are you up to?
>     We still don't know how the targeted setup is supposed to be.
>     E.g.
>      - a Windows computer in a company network that can access a Linux
>     box in the server room with the IT department managing the
>     installation of any software on trhe users desktop
>      - you send your software to a dummy user somewhere in the world
>     and he is supposed to install and run it and access a Linux box
>     via the Internet.
> I need it to be as standard and easy as possible to copy files to and 
> from a Windows box to a Linux server, one that has been freshly built 
> for the task., and would have probably have been built by an IT gut 
> that would be able to make sure that SSH is configured through the 
> firewall.
> I'm expecting that most of the time, the Linux box will be on the 
> local network, so ssh should be fine. If I went down the samba, I 
> would need additional configuration setup, which could put barriers in 
> the way of using my software for no reason?
>     With the first obviously CIFS (aka Samba) is the way to go: Easy
>     stuff, as you program just calls the file operations provided by
>     the RTL.
>     With the second example "easy software" s not really possible:
>      - at best only your program should be installed and no additional
>     components such as Putty, VPN, dlls done in C, ... should be
>     necessary to be installed and no manual setup of SSH key should be
>     necessary
>     that means the complete protocol should be managed by (Pascal)
>     software
>      - the user might sit behind a firewall that forbids any protocol
>     other than the use of of HTTP(S) and requires the use of a proxy
>     server.
>      - if you need encryption (such as HTTPS) you supposedly need an
>     SSH key provider server (either locally on the Linux box or
>     "officially certified")
>     In that case I recommend using http (or https) upload (AFAIK, this
>     is available with Synapse).
>     Of course here you need to configure the Linux box to have a HTTP
>     server and provide the upload service.
>     -Michael
> I have currently got SSH working, by creating a TProcess in Lazarus 
> and calling pfstp to copy the file to and from the Linux box, and the 
> pslink to run a command on the Linux box.

Where do "pfstp" and "pslink" come from ?

It would be great to see these (or similar stuff) in TCP/IP libraries 
such as Synapse.

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