[Lazarus] Proposal for changing fpc version on the fly in the IDE

patspiper patspiper at gmail.com
Thu Aug 22 15:59:11 CEST 2013

On 22/08/13 15:59, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 15:39:47 +0300
> patspiper <patspiper at gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>>     * If the FPCVER macro does not appear in any of the 2 paths
>> (<absolute path to the fpc binary> and <relative path of ppc compiler>)
>> then the fpc binary can be queried to set the FPCVER macro.
> The FPCVer always comes from querying the compiler.

Right. But the proposal, if implemented, introduces one case where 
either the fpc binary or the ppcxxx compiler cannot be located because 
their paths depend on the FPCVER macro. In that case, the FPCVER macro 
needs to be manually set/selected in the IDE to allow the paths to 
resolve correctly. And as a sanity check, the FPC binary can then be 
queried for the version, and that version is compared with the 'forced' 
FPCVER macro.

If this is somehow convoluted (for this specific case), then instead of 
having the paths depend on FPCVER, they could depend on some user 
defined macro (e.g. USERFPCVER or XYZ) provided the user is able to set 
that macro in the IDE options via some selector.


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