[Lazarus] Why not capture LM_xxx message

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Wed Dec 18 10:59:54 CET 2013

In delphi, this code is working, but in lazarus "message LM_CHAR;" or 
"message LM_KEYDOWN;" etc not triggered, what I have todo?
fpc and lazarus last svn updated  qt
kubuntu 13.10 x64

   TEnterAsTab = class(TGraphicControl)
     FEnterAsTab: Boolean;
     FAllowDefault: Boolean;
     FBmp: TBitmap;
     FDiscard_Key: Boolean;
     FUpDownAsTab: Boolean;
     procedure WMChar(var Msg: TLMChar); message LM_CHAR;
     procedure CMDialogKey(var Msg: TCMDialogKey); message CM_DIALOGKEY;
     procedure Paint; override;
     constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;

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