[Lazarus] Debbugger got permanently stuck

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 15:45:53 CET 2013


It just happened suddenly to me. In one moment I was happy debugging
my project and in the next one every time I place a breakpoint I get
this fatal error:


And after that the program is in some kind of zombie state and can
only be killed by closing Lazarus.

I already tryed to restart Windows, rebuild Lazarus from the latest
SVN revision (thought in the same place, so I haven't yet tryed
clearing the config files), placing the breakpoint after or before
starting the program.

I didn't change anything in my program, it just suddenly started
showing the error, and it shows every single time now.

Any ideas what to do? My only idea next would be to delete all config
files, but hopefully there would be something less intrusive ...

I searched a bit in mailling list archives, but nothing showed up.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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