[Lazarus] *** GMX Spamverdacht *** Re: Lazarus (UTF8) and Windows: SysToUTF8, UTF8ToSys... Is there a better solution?

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Sat Dec 28 13:37:05 CET 2013

Am 2013-12-28 13:19, schrieb Florian Klämpfl:
 >> I understand. But if the major companies prefer to use C# or Java
 >> instead Delphi well, they not care about Delphi compatibilities. If
 >> they care, why they would be leaving Delphi?
 > If they leave Delphi compatibility, they normally don't go for a
 > marginal oss compiler.

The question is:
Why did they use Delphi before at all?

If the reason was that Delphi was a very common and widespread programming environment
then it is a understandable behaviour to move to the next main stream environment
as soon as budget and time allows.
Such people would never care about FPC/Lazarus (even when it was fully Delphi "compatible").
They would never think about using it.
So making FPC/Lazarus "compatible" would not hold any user of this group.

If the reason was that they like Pascal as an easy to learn and
mantain language then they will invest into migration even
if not all parts are the identical to Delphi.
Just the opposite:
They may like that not all misconcepts are repeated in
FPC/Lazarus and they may like that it is open source.

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