[Lazarus] Beyond Compare 4 built with Lazarus 1.2

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sat Dec 28 14:51:55 CET 2013

On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 11:11 AM, Michael Van Canneyt
<michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Dec 2013, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>>> That said:
>>> Nothing stops anyone from implementing a totally separate RTL for FPC.
>>> The number of internal functions that must be implemented for the
>>> compiler
>>> to be able to function is rather limited.
>>> If you check the archives, you'll notice that I have often recommended
>>> people to do so.
>> So you do that, ie, make your own RTL? The major problem is work on
>> Windows and I don't know if you work it.
> Why would I ? I don't need it.
> Frankly, I don't understand what all the fuss is about.
> Everything is perfectly clear to me, I know how to deal with issues, if they
> pop up.

So PLEASE, tell us how to make a code on Windows safe, readable and
strong using FPC 2.6.x (AnsiString) and Lazarus (UTF-8) because I and
most people still not know.

> Yes, 2.8 or 3.0 will be a big change. They will include a unicode RTL
> somehow.

Yes. So, how I can protect my code TODAY to the uncertain future?

> If you work with 2.6.X, there is no problem to understand the RTL:
> everything is ansistring: Single byte string, system codepage.

I do not have problems to understand that.

> All the rest is either
> - People who don't grasp the consequences of the above simple sentence.
> - People spreading FUD.
> And yes, I realize that if you really, really need unicode with 2.6.x, you
> have a problem with the current RTL. No-one ever denied this.
> At least, the Lazarus team tried to give a workaround with their UTF-8
> functions.

Yes, yes. I'm not here to complain. I'm here to understand how I can
solve my problems and, at the same time, help other people. I'm not
doing FUD.

My questions are simple:
1. How can I make programs on Windows using FPC and Lazarus without
problems with Unicode stuff?
2. What I can do now to protect my code for the new FPC
implementations on the future?

> The FPC team is working on a more fundamental solution. So either be
> patient, or contact me for instructions on how you can help.

I will be patient... but tell me how I can help anyway.

> But please, Please, PLEASE stop these pointless discussions.

Sorry man, but other people have the same problems. That is real.

Thanks, anyway. Peace.

Marcos Douglas

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