[Lazarus] svn revision 40207 breaks build at least on MacOS X

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Fri Feb 8 15:44:41 CET 2013

I just did a svn update, build breaks, reverting to 40206 solves the problem

Compiling ttfile.pas
ttfile.pas(328,4) Note: Local variable "rec" not used
ttfile.pas(669,47) Hint: Local variable "C" does not seem to be initialized
ttfile.pas(805,49) Fatal: Syntax error, ":" expected but "identifier 
COUNT" found
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [lazutils.ppu] Error 1
make: *** [lazutils] Error 2
[ring at MacBookPro lazarus]$ svn update At revision 40207.
ring at MacBookPro lazarus]$ svn update -r 40206
U    components/lazutils/ttfile.pas
U    components/lazutils/ttcmap.pas
U    components/lazutils/ttgload.pas
U    components/lazutils/easylazfreetype.pas
U    components/lazutils/lazfreetype.pas
U    components/lazutils/ttload.pas
U    components/lazutils/ttobjs.pas
Updated to revision 40206.

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