[Lazarus] Lazarus and Graphics32 library packages
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Jan 5 02:13:34 CET 2013
On Fri, 4 Jan 2013 21:33:41 +0200
Juha Manninen <juha.manninen62 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Graphics32 nowadays supports Lazarus and has Lazarus packages for
> design- and run-time.
> There is something fuzzy in Lazarus package system.
> The design-time package "GR32_DSGN_Lazarus" has dependency for the
> run-time package "GR32_Lazarus", which is correct IMO.
> Yet, during installing "GR32_DSGN_Lazarus" and recompiling Lazarus, it says :
> ---
> Unable to find file "GR32_Blend.pas".
> "GR32_Blend.pas" is part of the run-time package and can be found
> easily. Codetools find it, too.
Codetools do not care if a file is reachable multiple times. fpc
does, because of its ppu files.
Make sure both packages do not share any source directory.
> It is possible to install the design-time package only after compiling
> the run-time package manually. It should not be needed because the
> dependency is set correctly.
> The problem comes back every time you do a clean build for Lazarus, or
> remove .ppu files for other reasons.
> Tested with Graphics32 release 1.9.1 and trunk,
> using Lazarus trunk on Windows and Linux+GTK2.
> To test it, first load Graphics32 :
> $ svn co https://graphics32.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/graphics32/trunk
> graphics32_trunk
> Then try to install
> Source/Packages/GR32_DSGN_Lazarus.lpk
> I would say this is a bug in Lazarus.
What exactly is the bug?
> First I thought the problem was in their package. I figured I solved
> it and I sent a patch to
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3599094&group_id=112985&atid=663799
> but finally it makes no difference. I copy it below just for reference.
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