[Lazarus] Accents in IDE and my apps

Éderson Cássio ederson_cassio at yahoo.com.br
Sat Jul 13 04:26:35 CEST 2013

Em 12-07-2013 22:31, waldo kitty escreveu:
> On 7/12/2013 18:36, Éderson Cássio wrote:
>> I wrote on this thread because I'd like to help to improve Lazarus 
>> code as I
>> find problems with it.
> i understand that but your addition has nothing to do with comment 
> properties in TObject or TComponent :/
> the only reason i saw your portion was because i have not marked this 
> thread as "ignore" or "all caught up"... many others will not see your 
> posts because of this...
I am new to this list, the only way I know to use it is sending a 
message to "lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org". How do I know what 
thread the message is going to, who is reading, who is not reading...?

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