[Lazarus] Event-driven network-traffic question

Koenraad Lelong lazarus1 at de-brouwerij.be
Thu Jun 6 13:01:19 CEST 2013


I need an application to dump some information to a server. Part of the 
information is stored in a firebird-database.
The server has some text-based protocol over tcp.

For every entry in the database, I need to send the server a 
"get"-command with a parameter from the database.
If the parameter is OK, I get a positive acknowledge, together with data 
(some lines of text). I temporarily store these lines. If a certain line 
exists, I need to modify it with data from the database (same record as 
the parameter). If it does not exist, I need to insert it. Then I send a 
"put"-command followed by those lines. When this is OK, I get a positive 
aknowledge from the server, otherwise I get a negative acknowledge.

I have to do this for all records in the database (at least 2500 records).
I would like to do this in a visual way, so the user can monitor the 
proceedings. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to do this.

Does anyone have some skeleton to do this ? I would like to use 
"visual-lnet", but other network-approaches are welcome.
The tests I did (only sending the get-command) indicate the response is 
in one ethenet-packet, but I don't know if this is always the case.

It's no problem if it's "quick-and-dirty" because the application should 
only be used once.


Koenraad Lelong

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