[Lazarus] Help: OS X Problems
Thomas Moritz
thm_ml at thmoritz.de
Sun Nov 3 18:36:09 CET 2013
I have made my system ready today.
OS X 10.9, fpc 2.6.2, lazarus 1.1.
> WE should start a wiki with all the experiences....
>> I ran a few tests and for the most part everything was clean, but a few times I got an 'oops' debugger dialog when closing my program:
>> The GDB command:
>> "-file-exec-and-symbols "
>> did not return any result.
>> The GDB process is no longer running.
> Every version of GDB that I have seen crashes at some point . For example expecting resource string is a common one...
> So if gdb crashes, when your app closes...
> Look at the page I linked, search "solib" there is n option for that, try it.
>> Is there a better option to get rid of the symlink other than setting the target file name like I did? Could someone default the IDE to place the actual exe in app bundles on the mac rather than placing a symlink there instead?
>> I'm writing an exhaustive fpc+lazarus Mac setup guide and I'll be sure to credit you guys. Thanks for the help!
I looked for all the details together on the web!
Sorry, my notes I have here only in German:
gdb für Lazarus installieren
(ab Mavericks wird nur noch lldb unterstützt !!!)
1) homebrew installieren:
ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)
2) gdb installieren
brew install https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-dupes/master/gdb.rb
In Lazarus: kompilieren geht mit gdb,
aber Run (Start) hängt bei:
The GDB command:
returned the error:
„,msg=„Unable to find Mach task port for process-id 62593:
(os/kern) failure (0x5). (please check gdb is codesigned - see taskgated(8))““
also muss der gdb signiert werden:
Schlüsselbund-App: öffnen
Auswahl: neues Zertifikat erstellen
Name (z.B): gdb-cert
Identity Type: root, self-signed
Certificate Type: Code Signing
Standardwerte überschreiben -> JA
…weiter, weiter… bis:
Speichern in: System
Eigenschaften vom Zertifikate öffnen: Vertrauen: Immer vertrauen!
Schlüsselbund-App schliessen
gdb im Terminal signieren:
cd /usr/local/bin
codesign -s gdb-cert gdb
Nun war ein Neustart notwendig -> dann war alles gut.
Beim ersten Debuggen wird nach dem root-Password gefragt.
I hope it's still a little help.
Best regards Thm
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