[Lazarus] Nice tutorial on using FPC and Lazarus to create the Pong game

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Wed Sep 4 11:00:47 CEST 2013


Peter Hinrichsen was the original author of tiOPF (Object Persistence
Framework). He is a very skilled software engineer with excellent
programming principals. Recently he started moving away from commercial
projects and started tutoring kids programming.

I thought posting some information here might be useful to newcomers of
Lazarus and Object Pascal. Maybe this could even be added to the
tutorials section of the Lazarus wiki.

Here is what he had to say.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Teaching kids programming with Free Pascal
Date: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 02:52:30
From: peter hinrichsen
Newsgroups: tiopf.development

Nothing to do with the tiOPF - except that I know many of you and was
introduced to FPC by Graeme.

These days I'm spending less time working on corporate projects, and
more time teaching kids programming with Lego Mindstorms, Scratch and
Free Pascal.

I am slowly putting my lessons on-line, then testing them in the
classroom. The first suite to be completed is "Game Programming with
Pascal - Pong"


The presentation is very rough - but it was my first attempt and I want
to test the concept on some kids before putting too much effort into the

These talk-throughs target Year 9 or older.


Peter H.
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