[Lazarus] package FCL

Antonio Fortuny a.fortuny at sitasoftware.lu
Thu Sep 5 13:58:00 CEST 2013

Hi Folks.

I want to make some changes and additions to the unit bufdataset.pas 
incresing dataset possibilities.
I've made the changes, compiled and tested using a dynamically created 
So far, so good.
Now I want to incorporate the changes in the FCL package fcl-db
Vista32, Lazarus 1.0.10, FPC 2.6.2
Compile FPC fcl-db package, and compilation runs OK and my new unit gets 
compiled (see below for console output)
new .o and .ppu are not moved to 
"D:\Programmes\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\units\i386-win32\fcl-db\"  but are kept 
as compilation result
Secondly, I guess that the Lazarus pacakge FCL should be compiled as 
well. The unit RegisterFCL does the TBufDataSet component registration
This one also looks good.
Then I install the FCL package and rebuild Lazarus. During Lazarus 
compilation all packages depending on FCL are compiled as well
But then I get the classical Lazarus errors:
Recompiling sqldb, checksum changed for BufDataset
registersqldb.pas(50,38) Fatal: Can not find sqldb used by 
registersqldb, ppu=..\..\fpc\2.6.2\units\i386-win32\fcl-db\sqldb.ppu, 
package SQLDBLaz
Of course there must be more than opne copy of bufdataset.o(& ppu). 
Which one to keep and which to delete ?
I probably miss something but I can't point out what. Maybe some file 
moves to do by hand ?

Thanks for your ideaas.


Console output FCL compilation
D:\>*cd D:\Programmes\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\source\packages\fcl-db\src\base*
*D:\Programmes\lazarus\fpc\2.6.2\bin\i386-win32\make.exe all INSTALL 
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -S2h 
-Fu../dbase -Fu../../../../rtl -Fu../../../../packages/fcl-base 
-Fu../../../../packages/fcl-xml -FE. 
-FU../../../../packages/fcl-db/units/i386-win32 -di386 bufdataset.pas
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.2 [2013/06/09] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Win32 for i386
*Compiling bufdataset.pas*
bufdataset.pas(50,14) Note: Virtual method "TBufBlobStream.Read(var 
<Formal type>,LongInt):LongInt;" has a lower visibility (protected) than
  parent class TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(51,14) Note: Virtual method "TBufBlobStream.Write(const 
<Formal type>,LongInt):LongInt;" has a lower visibility (protected) t
han parent class TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(52,14) Note: Virtual method 
"TBufBlobStream.Seek(LongInt,Word):LongInt;" has a lower visibility 
(protected) than parent class
  TStream (public)
bufdataset.pas(2223,5) Note: Local variable "StoreReadOnly" is assigned 
but never used
bufdataset.pas(3747,34) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
3887 lines compiled, 0.2 sec
1 warning(s) issued
4 note(s) issued
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/fpcmake.exe -p 
-Ti386-win32 Makefile.fpc
Processing Makefile.fpc
  Writing Package.fpc
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/ginstall.exe -m 755 -d 
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/cp.exe -fp Package.fpc 
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/ginstall.exe -m 755 -d 
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/cp.exe -fp 
parser.ppu ../../../../packages/fcl-db/units/i386-win32/bufdataset.ppu 
../../../../packages/fcl-db/units/i386-win32/dbcoll.ppu ../../../../p
D:/Programmes/lazarus/fpc/2.6.2/bin/i386-win32/cp.exe -fp 
.o ../../../../packages/fcl-db/units/i386-win32/bufdataset.o 


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