[Lazarus] Openoffice and Zotero

Tom Backer Johnsen backer at psych.uib.no
Sat Sep 28 21:54:33 CEST 2013

As far as I can see from the Zotero page, no plugins for AOO documents are mentioned, only Word and LibreOffice are mentioned.  That seems to be a change, I am sure that AOO used to be mentioned there as well.   

I am currently a user of AOO version 3.4.1 on a Mac with FireFox.  As far as I can se, the plugin I included some months ago works fine with version 3 text files.  So I will hang on to that version for a while.  But what about upgrading to AOO version 4?  Will I still be able to handle references in the new version?  Or do I have to change to LibreOffice in order to be able to handle references in my documents?


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