[Lazarus] Lazarus Second Release Candidate, 1.2RC2

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Sat Jan 18 14:46:21 CET 2014

On 18/01/2014 14:18, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
> 2014/1/16 Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de <mailto:lazarus at mfriebe.de>>
>     What happens, if you have an external info file, and rebuild the exe
>     (but without creating new debug info)? Will the wrong info be
>     applied? Or will it be ignored?
>     ​​
> ​​
> ​​
> ​well, i think this issue affects expecially the IDE users and I
> wondering that lazarus always make their way to rebuild that file​

I don't quite understand your answer.
AFAIU, Martin is describing this scenario:
1. You build a project with external gdb info file
2. You change the settings (or choose a different build mode) so it does
not generate an external gdb info file, but do not remove the existing
gdb info file
3. You change the code and recompile, generating a new executable (and
now the gdb info file and executable are out of sync)

Are you saying the gdb info file will be ignored? If so, that is good to

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