[Lazarus] editortoolbar enhancements
Juha Manninen
juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 20:16:48 CEST 2014
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:05 PM, Giuliano Colla
<giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it> wrote:
> 1) Added an option in Editortoolbar configuration, to select its position
> (Top,Bottom,Right,Left)
> 2) Added a "Show toolbar" checkbox in Editor -> General -> Misc, and an
> eoEditorToolBar to TSynEditorOption2.
How do you do that from the package code? Or, did you modify the IDE's code?
> What is missing:
> 1) A better implementation of the Show Toolbar option.
> Currently Editortoolbar uses SourceEditorManagerIntf, which doesn't expose
> (or if it does I didn't find how) the current editor options. My quick and
> dirty solution has been just to read the editor configuration file. As a
> consequence, a change is only taken in charge when restarting the IDE, or
> when starting a new project.
> Any suggestions?
IdeOptionsIntf has the interface for options.
Maybe you should keep the option checkbox somewhere else. It makes
sense in the Editor -> General -> Misc only if the package is
installed all the time.
> 2) Including Editortoolbar among the default IDE packages. I've never done
> such a thing, and I don't know how to do it in a clean way.
> Moreover it has to be seen if:
> a) It is desirable to do it. Given that it can be switched off I would be in
> favor.
It is possible. Especially new users keep requesting such a feature.
For them it should be installed by default.
One addition please: add the "jump backward" and "jump forward"
(Ctrl-H, Ctrl-Shift-H) buttons there by default. They are the single
most requested operations. Once people learn to use shortcuts, they
are not as important any more.
> b) It is desirable to keep it as a separate package from the SynEdit suite,
> or it should become the umptieth SynSomething.
Now you are on wrong tracks. EditorToolbar is a misleading name. It is
more like IdeToolbarLocatedInEditor. It supports all commands,
including for Designer and Package editor.
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