[Lazarus] EpikTimer v1.0.1 released

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon May 26 20:44:56 CEST 2014

On 26/05/14 16:34, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> You don't have to edit all lpk files. In fact you don't need to touch a
> single lpk file at all.

Oh... last I remember one had to modify each package to support multiple
build modes from Lazarus IDE. That defeated the point for me. I must
admit, I haven't gotten a Lazarus update since end of last year. So it
seems things in that front has improved.

> And for those packages, that do not support your flag, you can define
> excludes. How does MSEide and Maximus define excludes?

You have multiple build modes (columns) in the grid. eg: B, M, 1, 2 etc.
and keyboard shortcuts for those build modes. You then setup a matrix
(grid) of options, and you simply need to tick which setting applies to
which build mode. Maximus (not sure about MSEide) supports global and
user defined macros in any of the Project and Compiler options you can
set. The same macros could also have different values for each build
mode - so cross-compiling for example can easily be accomplished.

To exclude any settings, just make sure they are not ticked for a
specific build mode.

Attached are two screenshots from Maximus (MSEide looks pretty much the


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