[Lazarus] Default button for QuestionDLG

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 18:26:59 CEST 2014

On 10/13/14, Jürgen Hestermann <juergen.hestermann at gmx.de> wrote:

> Thanks, it works.
> But why is this not mentioned in the documentation at
> http://lazarus-ccr.sourceforge.net/docs/lcl/dialogs/questiondlg.html ?

Good question, it would be very nice if you could supply a patch for the docs.

>> Take a look at the implementation.
> Is this realy the way how to program in Free Pascal/Lazarus?

No, it is not.
I just thought I would give you a quick answer, I almoste never use
QuestiobDl, I just had a look at the sources, because I remebered it
could be done.

I thouht that would be better than either no answer at all, or "it's
not in the docs, go figure it out yourself".

Next time I will refrain myself...


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