[Lazarus] TAChart CandleStick Chart

"Leonardo M. Ramé" l.rame at griensu.com
Mon Sep 15 21:49:09 CEST 2014

El 15/09/14 a las 15:49, Werner Pamler escibió:
> The "TopMark" and "BottomMark", as you call it, can be removed by
> setting WhiskerWidth to 0, and the "MiddleMark" disappears with
> MedianPen.Style set to psClear. The "Up" and "Down" colors can be set by
> some logics when adding data points (there's the color parameter in the
> AddXXXX method...). The intrinsic problem that Box/Whisker expects
> ordered y values, while the Candle obviously does not ("open" can be
> greater or smaller then "close"), could be overcome by pre-sorting the
> data which should also take account of the Up/Down colors. Well, in
> total, these are a few lines of code, but relatively straightforward.
> Nevertheless, maybe too much for less code-centered guys?
> Anyway, I'll try to add your contribution to a new CandleStick series. A
> few question before I begin: Your posting says that Candlestick plots do
> not have top and bottom marks, but the wikipedia reference that you gave
> does show them. What is true? What should be the default up and down
> colors?

Thanks. I'm used to see CandleStick charts in many Stock Trading 
software, and I never saw thos top and bottom marks. Default UP can be 
clLime and Down clRed.

P.S.: the next chart type is Heikin Ashi, a variation of CandleStick.

Leonardo M. Ramé
Medical IT - Griensu S.A.
Av. Colón 636 - Piso 8 Of. A
X5000EPT -- Córdoba
Tel.: +54(351)4246924 +54(351)4247788 +54(351)4247979 int. 19
Cel.: +54 9 (011) 40871877

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