[Lazarus] Pochecker (was Fuzzy traslations ignored)

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Mon Sep 29 20:08:57 CEST 2014

Il 28/09/2014 21:13, Maxim Ganetsky ha scritto:
> 27.09.2014 10:06, Vincent Snijders пишет:
>> 2014-09-26 22:49 GMT+02:00 Maxim Ganetsky <ganmax at narod.ru
>> <mailto:ganmax at narod.ru>>:
>>     26.09.2014 20 <tel:26.09.2014%2020>:53, Bart пишет:
>>             I propose to add two optional files sanitization/cleanup
>>             features:
>>             1. Make all entries that have formatting errors fuzzy.
>>             2. Remove PreviousMsgId (comments starting with "#| ") from
>>             entries
>>             which are not fuzzy (in this case such comments are no
>>             longer relevant,
>>             but translation tools don't remove them themselves when
>>             removing fuzzy
>>             flag).
>>         No, I'm not going to, and I strongly feel we should no go 
>> that way.
>>         The tool is for checking.
>>     It's a pity. These features ease translations maintenance work and
>>     are not covered by PO file editors.
>> Maybe it is better to add these feature to updatepofile?
> IMHO it better belongs to POChecker because it already has most of 
> needed infrastructure. E.g. updatepofile cannot detect formatting 
> errors while POChecker can.

I believe that there's a simple way to go in the right direction.
Pochecker (when integrated in the IDE) is being added the capability of 
opening a po file in the IDE editor.
The syntax highlighter for po files is already there.
Adding to the IDE editor some smarter po-file editing capabilities can 
be done without a big effort, following the guidelines of the HTML 
editor provided by the weblaz package, and perhaps implementing a 
minimal codetool-like unit for po syntax (which is rather simple).

This could end in a smooth cycle: check, edit, check again, but even now 
it's already usable: after all translations are performed by developers.


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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