[Lazarus] Lazbuild add package on commandline

Alfred alfred at consulab.nl
Sat Apr 25 13:00:04 CEST 2015

Hello to all,

As new member of this list, I would like to ask a question.

I am trying to maintain the fpcup utility made by the late Reinier.

As such, I am running into a problem.

When trying to add a package from the commandline with lazbuild, the 
packagefiles.xml file is not updated due to:
procedure SaveUserLinks(Immediately: boolean = false); inside unit 

If I change this default value to true, then the packagefiles.xml is 
updated with the package data.
And the package can be installed correctly.

My question / possibilities:
1) could this default be changed to true ?
2) could a command line switch be added to lazbuild for immediate update 
of packagefiles.xml  when used from commandline ?

Thanks in advance.
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