[Lazarus] Embedded Firebird bundled with OSX application

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Wed Aug 19 11:01:54 CEST 2015

Hello Graeme,
Are you work on this still ? I wanna share my experience. We mailed with 
Paul and I founded how to work with embeded firebird on osx.
first, I asked to him same question about you :) and this is him answer

> <<In this link http://www.firebirdsql.org/en/firebird-2-5-4/#MacOSX header write "Mac OS X 64-bit Classic, Superclassic & Embedded (Intel)" but no fbembed file and info there.>>
> Yes there is:
> http://paulbeachsblog.blogspot.fr/2008/03/where-is-libfbclientdylib-on-macosx.html
> Read carefully.
> Regards
> Paul

 From him (Paul Beach's blog)
Unknown User wrote at October 10, 2014 at 12:29 PM :

I did and libfbembed.dylib builded. its under ../gen/firebird.app/..... 
but can not use this if you check isql under bin folder it should be 
work. This mean your builded "libfbembed.dylib" is working. But when you 
try in application you will get error, it will looking for 
"/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/English.lproj/var/" if 
you create this folder and copy "security2.fdb" and if you wanna us 
alias you haveto create "aliases.conf" files here, then you can use 
"libfbembed.dylib" with out install firebird.

After 3 days work I founded. There is no where find this:

1-) My Application has to be JUST in ONE folder under where is 
    if you try run isql app in up folder of bin, I mean same folder 
libfbembed.dylib you will get this error.
➜  fb_embed_osx  ./isql
dyld: Library not loaded: ../libfbembed.dylib
   Referenced from: 
   Reason: image not found
[1]    62746 trace trap  ./isql

2-) In my Application, for libfbembed.dylib I HAVE TO write full path. 
not accept "../libfbembed.dylib"

At this point, In "firebird.conf" "RootDirectory=" for just dream.

with "install_name_tool" command can be fix this. I'm not use this 
command before, is any body know this, can change working rule, our 
application not need under libfbembed.dylib's folder.

On 23.06.2015 11:15, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2015-06-22 18:46, Dmitry Boyarintsev wrote:
>> Just "Frameworks" directory needs to be created, within "Contents"
>> directory.
>> Put firebird framework/dynamic library there and that's
>> it.
> Yes and no - according to all the blog posts I've read. The required
> embedded library is missing from the official OSX package. They all
> recommend building your own Embedded Firebird from the source (why they
> don't included this as standard with a release I don't know). There lies
> half the problem. Trying to get Firebird to compile under OSX. I have
> found 10+ different instructions and none of them work on my Macbook
> Pro. I've installed XCode and everything else that was mentioned, but no
> luck.
> Then after the compilation is complete, you need to run a tool called
> 'install_name_tool' on all the files, which patches them by changing the
> hard-coded library location from
> /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/..../ to whatever the new
> location is in your application bundle. If you don't do this, then
> apparently applications and supporting tools will always look for the
> libraries in /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/
> It seems there is a demand for Embedded Firebird, but neither the
> official FirebirdSql.org nor anybody else wants to share a pre-built
> bundle. They expect everybody to always build Firebird from source and
> struggle for days on end with no clear/working instructions. The
> firebirdsql.org shows in their OSX download section "Classic,
> SuperClassic & Embedded (Intel)", but after installing that pkg there is
> no sign of a libfbembed.dylib file anywhere. So somebody seems to have
> forgotten something.
> I've already wasted quite a few days on this, and now trying to use
> SQLite3 with this application instead. Apparently SQLite3 comes standard
> with OSX since 10.4, so this should be a usable solution. I'll come back
> to the Embedded Firebird issue at a later date, as that would still be
> the preferred option in the end.
> I'll update the Lazarus Wiki will all the information I found - that
> would hopefully save somebody else a lot of time searching on the internet.
> Regards,
>    - Graeme -

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