[Lazarus] Some components disappeared

Vojtěch Čihák vojtech.cihak at atlas.cz
Wed Aug 19 14:33:16 CEST 2015

Reported in http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=28546
so I found revision which broke it. It is 48308 (i.e. 48307 is allright yet). I wonder why I noticed it so late, probably I didn't use "make clean all" during updates.
This reversion (and a few revisions around) adds some new features to component palette. I don't know where the problem exactly is. I only observed that those
components does not implement "class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;". Maybe it is reason?
I am going to report it now.

this is mystery. TCoolBar and TControlBar disappeared from component palette and they are not installed in IDE (I am not able to load project which uses TCoolBar).
But those components are not part of any package, they are part of LCL, I checked comctrls.pp, the class TCoolBar is there, procedure Register looks correctly.
Image tcoolbar.png is present and script for generating *.res file includes it.
Any idea what's wrong?

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