[Lazarus] An online package manager
luiz americo pereira camara
luizmed at oi.com.br
Mon Aug 10 12:31:49 CEST 2015
Em 10/08/2015 06:30, "Juha Manninen" <juha.manninen62 at gmail.com> escreveu:
> On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 8:52 AM, Aradeonas <aradeonas at operamail.com>
> > Im agree with Luiz,Its better to have them in a server as a pack,
> In fact I like the FreeBSD ports system. Does it depend on SCM tools
> or does it download some ready made Zip packages from GitHub and other
> sites?
> Both ways have a problem : It is easy to get only the latest version
> of a package.
The SCM allows to retrieve older versions like tags or even specific
In fact, allows to have multiplex versions without the burden of havĂȘ to
upload every time a new version is released.
About using SCM to something that does not need: really it does not need
but would make the feature more flexible and easier to maintain (think of
the server maintanance and how a shutdown would affect the Lazarus users).
> Anyway we should add support for different download sites for the
> Lazarus packages, in the spirit of FreeBSD ports.
> Maybe like this :
> Phase 1 :
> Support zipped meta-packages but allow to download them from any URL
> (HTTP or FTP).
> The difference to Kostas' minimal design is that the Lazarus .lpk
> files are not needed separately. The client can extract them and check
> dependencies. Having dependency info in other places would be
> duplicate info.
> A list of available packages must be in one file. Doing a FTP
> directory listing eats resources.
> Note: no server side SW is needed.
> Phase 2 :
> Support also downloading from sites hosting code (SF, GitHub etc.)
> when they provide direct download.
> Using the SCM tools directly cannot be supported because we cannot
> impose such a dependency for the cross-platform Lazarus.
> Still no server side SW is needed.
> Phase 3 :
> Support user rating and comments for packages.
> Support using the SCM tools from server. When a download URL refers to
> a SCM repo, the server SW loads the sources and zips a meta-package.
> Clients can use that package directly.
> Server side SW is needed obviously.
> Juha
> --
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