[Lazarus] An online package manager

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Aug 11 08:44:09 CEST 2015

On Mon, 10 Aug 2015, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> On 2015-08-10 20:22, Juha Manninen wrote:
>> Unit dependencies are already specified in uses sections of the units
>> themselves.
> In the case of fpGUI I couldn't create a single fpgui_toolkit.lpk
> package that fully supports fpGUI, because depending on the platform, it
> has different unit paths, and in some of those paths there are units
> with the same name (which acts as a bridge between the backend and
> front-end). A similar thing for include files used in the implementation
> section of some units. So due to the limitations of Lazarus Packages, I
> had to create two sets of fpgui_toolkit.lpk packages - one in the "x11"
> directory, and one in the "gdi" directory. A real pain in my side. If I
> start supporting other backends, then the package count would increase
> even more.
> With fpmake, it has sufficient flexibility so I only need a single
> fpmake.pp no matter the platform or graphics backend.

This is why we opted to make the "package format" fpmake.pp a pascal file.
It avoids heaps of tags, attributes, scripting additions or whatnot:
It allows for unlimited flexibility and every person making a package 
already knows Pascal.


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