[Lazarus] Detecting when decompiler is running

Mark Morgan Lloyd markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 13:02:57 CET 2015

Michael Schnell wrote:
> On 12/04/2015 10:44 AM, Sven Barth wrote:
>> Why do you assume that every software written in Lazarus/Free Pascal 
>> is automatically an open source one?
> I don't assume "is" but I assume "should be", as I consider closed 
> source projects as a fraud against the highly valuated fpc and lazarus 

The only fraud would be if something was written in contravention of the 
appropriate licenses (i.e. reused bits of something that was GPLed, or 
modified something which was LGPLed without offering the changes to the 

However as a lesser fraud I'd suggest something which was closed source 
and refused to even acknowledge what language etc. had been used. 
(Object) Pascal needs public support, particularly with what's happening 
to Delphi, and a few words in the right places that got people to look 
at it as a high-level language superior to Python et al. could be really 

> team members. pen source software of course can be payed for customer 
> projects, but any obfuscation of the true working of a program in 
> neither "nice" towards the customer nor sensible, as a decent hacker 
> will crack it, anyway.

Maybe, maybe not. But it's not just a case of who's worked out how a 
program (supplied as a binary or as "shrouded" source) works, but who's 
got a right to re-use bits of it. And quite frankly, I'd suggest that 
banging the "anything written using an open source tool *MUST* be open 
source" drum doesn't help anybody.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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