[Lazarus] Detecting when decompiler is running

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 4 14:32:34 CET 2015

Am 04.12.2015 11:34 schrieb "Michael Schnell" <mschnell at lumino.de>:
> On 12/04/2015 10:44 AM, Sven Barth wrote:
>> Why do you assume that every software written in Lazarus/Free Pascal is
automatically an open source one?
> I don't assume "is" but I assume "should be", as I consider closed source
projects as a fraud against the highly valuated fpc and lazarus team
members. pen source software of course can be payed for customer projects,
but any obfuscation of the true working of a program in neither "nice"
towards the customer nor sensible, as a decent hacker will crack it, anyway.

Maybe you never had the problem of your software to be illegally
distributed or even hacked to be distributed as such. There is a certain
point when you *must* do something, otherwise your losses get too large.
And this also applies to otherwise legal customers not adhering to the
license restrictions because they aren't technically enforced anyway.
Also it doesn't need to be protected forever, just long enough that you can
release the next version where the crackers would need to begin anew (of
course one needs to adjust one's copy protection/tamper proofing then).
Also the more complex a software is to crack the further down in the ToDo
list of the cracker it is.

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