[Lazarus] Syntax error compiling fpc 3.0.0 3.0.0rc1 3.0.0rc2

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 23:53:18 CET 2015

Donald, if all you want is a minimal FPC 3.0.0 for the Pi, I suggest you
use my minimal installers from http://www.getlazarus.org

The minimal version weights in at 40MB and includes the compiler, a few
tools like the console "fp" ide, and the rtl (no fcl, no lcl). I also
includes a fpc terminal shortcut which opens you default terminal with fpc
envirnonemt variables and configuration setup. It will not interfere any
other existing FPC or Lazarus setup. It also makes for a good starting
point to make the FPC compiler from sources:

Minimal Pi PFC 3.0.0:


If on the other hand you want to run a newer version of Lazarus with FPC
3.0.0 on the Pi, I also have a bundle for that. It's also quite small (I
know SD card space on the Pi is a concern) at under 200MB for FPC 3.0.0
plus Lazarus. The FPC in this bundle comes with rtl, fcl, and a few other
packages (again some have been removed), and the Lazarus version has had
the graphic image sources, and tool sources removed (though tool binaries
are included).

This reduced in size and Pi specific FPC 3.0.0 with Lazarus can be
installed from here:


Final note:

I know many Pi users are concerned about the SD storage space required by
FPC and Lazarus and I've taken some care to reduce their sizes on Pi, but
please be aware more SD space will be used and is required when compiling
with Lazarus. The first time you build with Lazarus it will require space
to store the lcl compiled units (two hundred plus megabytes more), and any
lcl programs you write and compile can take upwards of 20-30MB each. If you
want to keep some of your compiled programs around, consider using the
"strip -s yourprogram" utility to reduce their size after you're done
developing a program. The storage saving will be significant.
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