[Lazarus] Confusing compiler hint on unused parameter

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Feb 17 18:52:01 CET 2015

On Tue, 17 Feb 2015 18:32:15 +0100
Werner Pamler <werner.pamler at freenet.de> wrote:

> The bug report mention in the first post refers to another set of 
> compilation messages which I do not understand: 
> "tachartlazaruspkg.pas(18,23) Verbose: Unit "TAFitUtils" not used in 
> TAChartLazarusPkg". I cannot reproduce this, neither in fpc 2.6.4 nor 
> fpc trunk. Is this due to some non-standard compilation message 
> parameters used by the OP?

The original message comes from FPC and is a hint.
Each package has an option (Compiler Options / Verbosity / Show hints
for unused units in main), which is off by default.
The IDE changes the "Hint" into a mere "Verbose".
By default the Messages windows does not show "Verbose" messages.

You can change the filter:
Right click on "Messages" window, then "Filter non urgent messages".

The bug submitter has turned the filter off. This filter is a new
feature of 1.4. With the default settings you see the same as in
Lazarus 1.2.


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