[Lazarus] Lazarus 1.2 not compiling with FPC 3.0.1

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 12 08:36:36 CET 2015

I've been building FPC 3.0 and Lazarus 1.4 from svn sources. Here are some

First, all Linux builds seem to be working correctly.

On Windows though I encountered a few problems.

1) In lcl\interfaces\win32\win32callbacks.inc lines 1547 and 1571, the
following cannot compile:

  ItemState := TOwnerDrawState(PDrawItemStruct(LParam)^.itemState);

2) There is a similar problem in lcl/grids.pas:

  cfg.SetValue(AKey + '/style/value', Integer(AFont.Style)); // around
line 1905
  AFont.Style:= TFontStyles(cfg.GetValue(AKey + '/style/value', 0)); //
around line 1913
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