[Lazarus] New FPC 3.0 and Lazarus 1.4 Test Installer

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Sun Jan 18 06:39:03 CET 2015

This is a status update

I've created a universal OSX install script. It will check for required
tools, such as xcode, and install all requirements for you.

This OSX version of FPC 3.0 and Lazarus 1.4 test includes cross compile
support for OSX 32/64, Linux 32/64, and Windows 32/64 bit. With it you can
compile a Linux or Windows graphical application on OSX, and copy one
program file to Linux or Windows to use on those other platforms. Switch
between the already configured build modes (in project options) to try out
this feature. I'll try to bring this same functionality to the Linux and
Windows setup versions soon.

To install open a terminal and run the following commands:

wget http://cache.codebot.org/lazarus/install.fpc-3.0.sh
sh install.fpc-3.0.sh

- notes

a) You can move 'Lazarus 1.4 Test.app' anywhere and it will work correctly.
You can move or copy it to the Applications folder if you like.

b) I've switched the OSX debugger to gdb-apple which will be installed to
/opt/local/bin/gdb-apple. Never versions of OSX require that you manually
code sign this program to allow it to attach to other processes.
Instructions will be provided here (
http://lazarus.codebot.org/darwin/debugger) shortly. In the meantime you
can google it.

Github project page:


OSX users please test and let me now if you encounter any problems.
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