[Lazarus] Solarized 2 color schemes for Lazarus

aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Tue Jun 30 11:51:53 CEST 2015

> Done. ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/contrib/lazarus/Solarized2.xml

Thank you.

> A couple months back I made yet another Solarized theme - I only found
> out about Solarized then. I didn't like the ones included in the Laz
> Theme Pack. I started with the Dark Theme and kept to the exact colors
> mentioned in the solarized theme. I then proceeded to make the light
> theme, and as per the Soralized spec, I simply needed to switch the
> background color, and the light theme worked perfectly.
> There was so many solarized themes already, I didn't bother sharing
> mine, but if anybody is interested, I'll make it available of course.
> Screenshots attached of my Dark and Light theme.  Note, I only applied
> the theme for the Object Pascal file format, not for XML, TXT etc.

Believe it or not Graeme I guessed you may done this before!I dont know
why but you always do cool things ;) About theme I tried to make it
complete and some change that not included i main Solorized pallet for
better understanding in Lazarus. Do you know Lazarus is theme support or
not?IDE it self not code editor.

Regards, Ara

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