[Lazarus] Someone help built qt4pas.dll for win64

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sat Mar 14 12:19:23 CET 2015

Il 13/03/2015 18:02, zeljko ha scritto:
> On 03/13/2015 01:38 PM, FreeMan wrote:
>> On 12.03.2015 20:57, zeljko wrote:
>>> QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive should be added to the Qt4Pas.pro
>>> zeljko
>> Thank you, I can compile now. And I added message in forum
>> How to build QT4pas5.dll win64
>> http://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,27706.0.html
> That project for Qt64 is removed today (link you added at form), so no 
> available binaries.
> Also, it will be nice that you upload somewhere that libQt4Pas.dll for 
> 64bit so other ppl can use it.

If you don't have a place to upload it, just send it to me as an 
attachment (to my personal e-mail, because the list doesn't accept too 
large things), and I can make it available in a website I'm webmaster of.


Giuliano Colla

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