[Lazarus] IDE unable to load form due to missing property

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sat May 16 12:03:52 CEST 2015

Il 15/05/2015 15:24, Tony Whyman ha scritto:
> Another thought - at run time an unknown property error might be 
> better reported as a warning rather than as an error. 

This would be a very welcome enhancement.

If the unknown property is actually used in code, it's flagged as an 
error at compile time, and it gets fixed before execution.
If it's not, it is most likely a "cosmetic" property, or an useless 
leftover from previous versions. A mild warning, or even a silent skip, 
would be much less annoying, and more appropriate.


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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