[Lazarus] How to get image from xray device?

FreeMan freeman35 at delphiturkiye.com
Mon May 25 15:21:47 CEST 2015

On 25.05.2015 16:10, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> If a dentist started hacking his equipment in the EU or USA, I'm 
> fairly sure that he would rapidly be in serious trouble with his 
> regulators.
Yes you right, But I'm not hacking. We have a program appointment, 
patients all detail etc and add xray too. just do this not image proccess.

>>> There should be nothing attached to the LAN port that isn't approved 
>>> by the manufacturer. If the manufacturer approves attachment of a 
>>> PC, there should be no software on it that is unapproved. If the 
>>> manufacturer approves attachment to the Internet, then assume that 
>>> at some point it will be compromised and- potentially- could injure 
>>> somebody.
>> http://dicom.offis.de/dcmtk.php.en
>> I found this code, not yet found how do work in lazarus.
> Quite frankly, I think that telnetting to that port 23 and typing 
> "help", or FTPing to that port 21, would be unwise and could get you 
> in trouble.
I have same idea, 2101, 2201,2202.... this ports using I thing.

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