[Lazarus] Upon rebuilding Trunk version there is an error

Jamal Gabra jamal.gabra at gmail.com
Fri Nov 20 07:14:27 CET 2015


After getting the recent trunk version of Laz and FPC, using fpcUP, there
is an error whenever rebuilding was attempted:

singleinstance.pp(74,12) Fatal: Can't find unit singleinstance used by

And the pointer is at this line, not sure what is wrong:

property OnServerReceivedParams: TSingleInstanceParams read
FOnServerReceivedParams write FOnServerReceivedParams;

And there is a warning before that:
Warning: Recompiling singleinstance, checksum changed for AdvancedIPC

This error appeared with the tagSize/TSize issue that was recently
discussed and solved. Before that it was not there.

Win 8, Laz1.5, FPC3.1.1


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