[Lazarus] Extending TRect breaks Lazarus

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Fri Nov 6 20:58:55 CET 2015

Am 06.11.2015 um 20:22 schrieb Luca Olivetti:
> El 06/11/15 a les 18:10, Martin Schreiber ha escrit:
>> You are joking, no? It has been discussed on fpc-pascal/fpc-devel several
>> times. An IIRC Italian community member then usually shows a syntax
>> description of a safe "with" statement from a maybe more than 20 year old
>> pascal dialect.
> I don't know if that's me, but, yes, I used a variant of pascal (by
> texas instruments) that allowed to declare aliases with "with", e.g
>  with a=somerecord, b=someotherrecord do
>  begin
>    a.x:=b.x;
>  end;

While I think this is something were a patch would be accepted, my main
issue is that the with handling code in the compiler is somehow messy.
Not necessarily due to bad coding but simply the way how "with" works.
It is similiar to the proc. var code which is also one of the places
only very brave people look at ;)

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