[Lazarus] Extending TRect breaks Lazarus

Alexander Klenin klenin at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 06:40:29 CET 2015

On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 5:58 AM, Florian Klaempfl <florian at freepascal.org> wrote:
> Am 06.11.2015 um 20:22 schrieb Luca Olivetti:
>> El 06/11/15 a les 18:10, Martin Schreiber ha escrit:
>>> You are joking, no? It has been discussed on fpc-pascal/fpc-devel several
>>> times. An IIRC Italian community member then usually shows a syntax
>>> description of a safe "with" statement from a maybe more than 20 year old
>>> pascal dialect.
Here is one "recent" discussion:

> It is similiar to the proc. var code which is also one of the places
> only very brave people look at ;)
One nice thing about FPC/Lazarus is that I may disappear for a few years,
then look back and see same topics discussed by the same people with
the same conclusions ;-)

Alexander S. Klenin

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