[Lazarus] Fast GUI

Aradeonas aradeonas at operamail.com
Mon Nov 30 14:13:24 CET 2015

> That's true but something like 2.0 or 3.2 can most likely nowadays be
> reasonably targeted. If you go 1.2 it should work everywhere.
On phones you can offen use the current version as people upgrade their
phones often. Often more problematic are different driver versions and
their bugs. If you want to really handle all versions it gets really
cumbersome as you have to implement different render paths as the most
optimal path differs greatly between OpenGL (major) versions. Hopefully
things get better with Vulkan.
But as I read about this a problem is for example in Android phones
their support OpenGl ES and taht is diffent to OpenGL like does have
glBegin glEnd and it can be kind of problem? It seems you have
experience about this?What you think?

Regards, Ara

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