[Lazarus] Listbox / focusRect (Mac)
Mirko Rizman
adc at mail.inet.hr
Fri Oct 30 19:08:39 CET 2015
Hi folks,
I have a listbox with multicolor (background) for items. That is fine and working. Also when itemIndex is changed i draw a rect (FillRect) and selected item receives a focus, that is fine also. What isn't is that there is also a hollow rectangle on selected item and that is the one
i would like to remove or paint in Fillrect color if possible so it isn't visible.
look at attached picture, that gray rectangle is what i would like to remove somehow.
... i looked at some Delphi questions for the same thing and it mentioned that the value for that particular focus rect is XORed on original
FillRect color, if i understood articles correctly. But i can't figure out how to turn it off in Lazarus.
i tried this also, and it doesn’t work as it should:
procedure TForm1.ListBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer;
ARect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
with ListBox1.Canvas do begin
if odFocused in State then
Brush.Color := clHighlight else
Brush.Color := clWindow;
TextOut(ARect.left, ARect.Top, Listbox1.Items[Index]);
if odFocused in State then
this is a result, no joy:
ListBox.Style is set lbOwnerDrawVariable
If you could land a hand please?
I am running Lazarus #:1.4.4 FPC 2.6.4 i386-darwin-carbon
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