[Lazarus] Deployment tool: make deb

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 14:21:38 CET 2015

Okay if anyone wants to TEST this program, I've uploaded a 64bit version
which you can download below. A 32bit version will be coming soon if you
should need it.


To install either double click the deb and use your package manager program
(Software Center on Ubuntu) and press install.
Or type "sudo dpkg -i makedeb_1.0-1-x86_64.deb"

If you don't already have apt-file installed, installing this deb should
also install apt-file. The apt-file program  is required to look up package
names of your application's dependencies. It should build the cache when
installed, but if you need to do it manually (I don't believe you do) the
command would be "sudo apt-file update".

To run the application type makedeb in any terminal, or search for Debian
Packager in the dash (Ubuntu).

Usage should be self explanatory. You either type of the path to you
application, or press the button with the green plus and choose your
application. Fill out the fields and press build.

A few tips:

You can pick the desktop icon by clicking the big image in the top left and
picking a graphic file.
The caption value is what will appear in the dash or if you pin the icon
Search for you program using with apt-cache search or aptitude search using
the package name.
Your short description will appear next to the package name when searching.
Versions should be formatted majorver.minorver-packagever eg. 0.9-1
Author should be in the form of Your Name <you at example.com>
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