[Lazarus] Installing Lazarus on Raspbian Jessie on a Pi2B?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 23:53:45 CEST 2015

On Fri, 02 Oct 2015 21:45:50 +0000, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:

>Bo Berglund wrote:
>> I have now returned home and got myself the hardware for starting the
>> development in FPC of my controller software for the Raspberry Pi2B.
>> When I installed RaspBian it turned out to be the latest version
>> Jessie and when I realized that I think I need to get confirmation
>> here before I waste time:
>> Will Lazarus/FPC run properly on a Raspberry Pi2B with Raspbian
>> Jessie?
>> If so is there a tutorial for that case somewhere?
>If it runs properly, why should you need a tutorial?
>Note my comment elsewhere:
> >> The major "gotcha" is that you can't (by default) SSH into it
> >> as root, which causes problems if you need to run a GUI (i.e.
> >> not just console I/O) program as root with the X11 stuff passing
> >> over the SSH connection.
>If you have problems with gtk2, I suggest also trying with Qt which will 
>require the libqt4pas-dev (Debian) package. Please keep us updated since 
>you're the local expert: I didn't even know that Raspbian had progressed 
>to Jessie, and am far too busy to play with it at the moment.

The tutorial is quoting the Lazarus GUI but at a later point in time
in the steps to install FPC and Lazarus. I have managed to get VTK
server running but only after manually starting it. But it is not yet
I am now in an SSH PuTTY shell trying to install fpc and Lazarus.

As I already posted I followed the tutorial and got to a make error
basically complaining about a missing file in the fpc source tree.
This is in the first make command in the tutorial where fpc trunk is
going to be built from sources using fpc 2.6.4 for arm-linux.

This is a problem I have no chance to fix....

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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