[Lazarus] Cross-compiling for Raspberry Pi2

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Sep 18 11:28:02 CEST 2015

On Fri, 18 Sep 2015, Michael Schnell wrote:

> On 09/18/2015 10:42 AM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> To the best of my knowledge, Delphi itself does not offer an event queue 
>> either in console programs.
> In fact I doubt that the OP really intends to do a pure "console program" 
> that is called by e.g. bash and runs through without waiting for anything and 
> then exits.
> AFAIK, with Delphi a "console program" is just a normal application that only 
> does not show a Windows, but that can use e.g. TTimer in the normal 
> Delphi-way.

So, we are talking about the windows event queue.

The way your post was constructed, you made it sound as if lazarus fails to offer what Delphi offers.
It has nothing to do with Lazarus. Linux does not have an event queue as windows has it. 
One is emulated in e.g. X11 applications, and Lazarus uses that for it's GUI, and for TTimer.

Glad we straightened that out.

I'm still waiting for your patch to create a basic TEventApplication class descending from TCustomApplication.
When you do, I'll be glad to include it in FPC, and as a bonus I'll even throw in an item for it under 
"new project" in File|New in the lazarus IDE...

It will then hopefully put an end to this years long bickering about event queues :)


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