[Lazarus] Xamarin becomes free and open-source

Santiago A. svaa at ciberpiula.net
Fri Apr 1 11:22:21 CEST 2016

El 01/04/2016 a las 10:37, Michael Van Canneyt escribió:
> I cannot understand that Canonical agreed to cooperate on this.
> It's called shooting in your own foot...

Me neither.

>> And don't deceive yourself. Scripts are the most powerful solution, but
>> a GUI need less knowledge and expertise, so they may be cheaper in the
>> long run.
> You therewith assert that microsoft advocates ignorance and stupidity
> ? :-)

It is a wise strategy. There are more middle users than gurus.

> All very nice till you hit a really hard problem and then you need to
> call an expert anyway, who charges you astronomical amounts of money
> for deleting a
> registry key or so. It's a nice deceit...
Yes, when you hit a hard problem, windows is a blackbox.  There is the
old linux saying "Windows makes easy what is easy and impossible what is
difficult". You needn't to convince me.

Nevertheless, Unix world should have more configurations tools with a
good UI (graphic or not).
If you need to do hard things, you must be able to tweak with well
documented configuration files (that's what windows doesn't have and
unix products shines), but 90% of times you shouldn't have to mess with
configuration files, each one with its one syntax (that's what many unix
products miss and  windows shines)

The Cherokee web server (now a dead project) offered a configuration
utility with a web UI as part of the product. That is the right path.

Well, this is going too off topic.


Santiago A.
svaa at ciberpiula.net

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