[Lazarus] Pretty neat stuff Lazarus

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon Apr 11 11:16:23 CEST 2016

On 2016-04-11 02:10, Alan Corey wrote:
> It was 20 megs until I turned optimization on and debugging off, then
> it went down to a little over 4.

LCL pulls in a lot of baggage. With other toolkits, and based on your
application, that can be reduced to a third of that size, yet still have
all the same functionality. ;-)

> that when I rebuild the IDE it doesn't write the new version to
> /root/.lazarus/lazarus, it stays in /usr/local/bin.  I'll figure it

As Sven said, never run Lazarus (or anything really) as root. I've
suggested this many times before... Install FPC from the official FPC
installed available on SourceForge. Install it to your home directory
(eg: /home/alan/devel/fpc-3.0.0/). Then use Git or SVN to get the
Lazarus source code (eg: /home/alan/devel/lazarus/). The do a 'make
bigide' and you are done!

No issues with write access or other permissions, no scattered files all
over your system etc. This method has worked for me for years under
Windows, Linux and FreeBSD.

> New questions:  Can I use my Deplhi 3 help files?  These are old-style
> .hlp files, not .chm.

I'm sure you can, but then you need to have a Linux or FreeBSD .hlp help
viewer. WINE includes such a viewer, but not everybody wants to install
WINE.  Also take a look at DocView and INF help. It will take you 2
minutes to set up, and it doesn't matter which version of Lazarus you
use. Also no rebuilding of Lazarus is required. DocView is set up using
the External Tools functionality of Lazarus IDE.

On a side note:
 Regarding your screenshots of a conversion tool. Take a look at
Unimesur, created by Jean-Marc - a fpGUI contributor. It has conversions
for anything you can think of, is translated to French and English,
includes built-in help and can even print results or conversion tables
to PDF. All in a 800KB download.


  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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